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Health Tech Providers,

3 Things To Keep In Mind About Tech Innovation In the Cardiac Space

Many new tech solutions, such as wearables and algorithms, have emerged in recent years to address the country’s heart disease problem. While it’s easy to get excited about technology’s potential to improve cardiac care, there are a few things that healthcare leaders must keep in mind, according to Dr. Sumeet Chugh, director of the Heart Institute and director of AI in medicine at Cedars-Sinai.

Devices & Diagnostics

CardioMech Snags $13M For Its Mitral Valve Repair Tech

Medical device startup CardioMech raised $13 million to advance the development and validation of its flagship device, which is designed to treat degenerative mitral valve regurgitation. The catheter-based device seeks to offer an uncomplicated, direct procedure for patients eligible for open-heart surgery as well as those considered eligible for the surgery.

MedCity Influencers, Devices & Diagnostics
heart data

In Cardiology, AI Enables Me to Deploy Therapy Faster, and Can Make the Difference Between Life and Death

I work as a cardiologist for a multi-specialty group that sees patients both in capitated payer and fee-for-service environments. This diverse practice gives me the experience to know where insurance providers will find value or what they will likely pay for. As these protocols become more scientifically validated, AI is going to help the entire healthcare system to identify at-risk patients quickly and accurately.